Renewable raw materials accumulate carbon during plant growth, by sequestration of CO₂ from air. The amount of biomass-based carbon can be verified by measuring the proportion of 14C isotopes, which is different in fossil-based products in comparison to biomass-based products. The American committee developed the ASTM D6866 Standard Test Method for Determining the Biobased (Carbon) Content of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Samples using Radiocarbon Analysis. It is often used to estimate the age of archaeological discoveries because of the fixed percentage of 14C in living organisms. Once an organism, whether plant, animal, or human dies, the concentration of the unstable radioactive 14C isotope start to decrease over time. Radiocarbon dating is applied to determine the concentration of biobased carbon in %. Carbon derived from renewable resources (i. e., plants) show a 14C activity of about 100% while carbon derived from fossils (i. e., crude oil) is inactive (0%). A value in between represents a mixture. For example, a product with a 14C activity of 80 %, consists of 80% renewable and 20% fossil carbon.

The certification of biobased carbon content according to the American standard ASTM D6866 quantifies the ratio of non-fossil organic carbon to total organic carbon in a product. This demonstrates the use of renewable raw materials and the proportion of biobased carbon in the product. ASTM D6866 verifies that the carbon in these products originates not from petroleum, but biomass instead.

Manufacturers of biobased products can have their products certified in accordance with ASTM D6866 by DIN CERTCO. The certification mark “DIN-Geprüft” confirms that an independent, neutral and competent body has carefully examined and assessed the products. The certification distinguishes different quality levels based on the biobased carbon proportion of total carbon: 20%–50%, 50–85% and >85%.

UPM BioMotion™ RFF has been awarded the internationally recognized “DIN-Geprüft biobased” certification mark with the highest quality level ”biobased >85%”.

The biobased carbon content of UPM BioMotion™ RFF according to ASTM D6866 method is 100%. Information about the certificate can be viewed in the certificate database of DIN CERTCO